Download PDF by Craig A. Evans: The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus

By Craig A. Evans

ISBN-10: 0415880882

ISBN-13: 9780415880886

ISBN-10: 0415975697

ISBN-13: 9780415975698

This Encyclopedia brings jointly the immense array of old learn into the truth of the guy, the lessons, the acts, and the occasions ascribed to him that experience served because the foundational tale of 1 of the world's critical religions. this type of historiography isn't biography. The historic examine of the Jesus tales and the transmission of those tales via time were of seminal significance to historians of faith. severe old exam has supplied a manner for students of Christianity for hundreds of years to research the roots of legend and faith in a manner that permits students an get away from the confines of dogma, trust, and theological interpretation. lately, ancient Jesus reports have unfolded very important discussions pertaining to anti-Semitism and early Christianity and the political and ideological filtering of the Jesus tale of early Christianity during the Roman empire and past.

Entries will disguise the classical stories that initiated the hot historiography, the theoretical discussions approximately authenticating the old checklist, the exam of assets that experience ended in the western figuring out of Jesus' teachings and disseminated fable of the occasions bearing on Jesus' beginning and dying.

Subject components include:

  • the historical past of the ancient research of the hot testomony: significant participants and their works

  • theoretical concerns and concepts

  • methodologies and criteria

  • historical genres and rhetorical types within the tale of Jesus

  • historical and rhetorical context of martyrdom and messianism

  • historical teachings of Jesus

  • teachings inside of ancient context of ethics

  • titles of Jesus

  • historical occasions within the lifetime of Jesus

  • historical figures within the lifetime of Jesus

  • historical use of Biblical figures referenced within the Gospels

  • places and regions

  • institutions

  • the historical past of the hot testomony in the tradition, politics, and legislation of the Roman Empire.

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New PDF release: The Encyclopedia of Lost and Rejected Scriptures: The

By Joseph Lumpkin

ISBN-10: 1936533553

ISBN-13: 9781936533558

The Encyclopedia of misplaced and Rejected Scriptures: The Pseudepigrapha and Apocrypha -

40 books contained in one quantity. This tome is massive.

- part One -
Lost Scriptures of the outdated testomony - First ebook of Adam and Eve, moment e-book of Adam and Eve, First ebook of Enoch, moment booklet of Enoch (Secrets of Enoch), 3rd ebook of Enoch (Hebrew Enoch), Jubilees, Jasher -

Section -
Apocalyptic Writings and the top of Days - Apocalypse of Abraham, Apocalypse of Thomas, 2 Baruch, warfare Scroll (Sons of darkish vs. Sons of sunshine) -

Section 3 -
misplaced Scriptures of the hot testomony - Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Apocryphon of John, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas, Acts bankruptcy 29 - -

Section 4 -
The lifestyles and instances of Jesus - Infancy Gospel of James, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, lifetime of Joseph The wood worker, Letters of Pilate, lifetime of Saint Issaa -

Section 5 -
The Apocrypha - 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras, I Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, three Maccabees, four Maccabees, Letter (Epistle) of Jeremiah, The Prayer of Azariah, 1 Baruch, Prayer of Manasseh (Manassas), Bel and the Dragon, knowledge of Sirach, knowledge of Solomon, Additions to Esther, Tobit, Judith, Susanna, Psalm 151, 1 Clements, Shepherd of Hermas, The Didache

(820 pages measuring 8x11, it is a large tome and an excellent reference book.)

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Zalmino Zimmermann's Teoria da Mediunidade (Portuguese Edition) PDF

By Zalmino Zimmermann

ISBN-10: 8578000412

ISBN-13: 9788578000417

Com o Espiritismo, a mediunidade passou a ser racionalmente estudada e, embora ainda persista muita ignorância, esse conhecimento se mostra como um dos mais nobres do ser humano.

Em suas quase 900 páginas impressas, cujo texto, gráficos e ilustrações foram integralmente mantidos neste lançamento eletrônico exclusivo, este livro é um verdadeiro tratado enciclopédico sobre o assunto, cobrindo uma imensidão de tópicos relevantes.

Primeiras palavras
Capítulo I. Introdução
Capítulo II. O mediunismo na história1
Capítulo III. Mediunidade – Conceito – Tipos
As aptidões mediúnicas
A Classificação de Kardec
Sensitividade e Mediunidade
Mediunidade, hoje
Capítulo IV. Transe – Transe mediúnico
Capítulo V. Intuição
Intuição e telepatia
Capítulo VI. Vidência
Vidência Ativa
Vidência Passiva
Vidência Externa (ou Objetiva)
Vidência Interna (ou Subjetiva)
Vidência Ordinária
Vidência Autoscópica
Vidência Aloscópica ou Heteroscópica
Vidência Psicoscópica
Vidência Psicoscópica
Vidência Psicométrica Retrocognitiva
Vidência Psicométrica Investigativa
Vidência Psicométrica Precognitiva
Clarividência Ordinária
Clarividência more suitable (ou Supervidência)
Capítulo VII. Audiência
Audiência Ordinária
Audiência Xenoglóssica
Audiência Psicométrica
Capítulo VIII. Psicofonia
Mediunização Psicofônica
Capítulo IX. Psicografia
O Processo Psicográfico
Capítulo X. Psicopictura
Capítulo XI. Psicomúsica
Capítulo XII. Desdobramento
Capítulo XIII. Aspectos Neurofisiológicos do Processo Mediúnico
Capítulo XIV. Ectoplasmia
Capítulo XV. Tiptologia
Capítulo XVI. Sematologia
Capítulo XVII. Cinetologia
Capítulo XVIII. Escrita indireta
Capítulo XIX. Pneumatografia
Pneumatografia Espontânea
Pneumatografia Provocada
Pneumatografia Ordinária
Pneumatografia Xenoglóssica ou Pneumaxenografia
O Processo Pneumatográfico
Capítulo XX. Pneumapictura
Capítulo XXI. Pneumatofonia
Capítulo XXII. Transcomunicação instrumental
Capítulo XXIII. Fotografia transcendente
Capítulo XXIV. Escrita fotográfica
Capítulo XXV. Dermografia – Dermopictura
Capítulo XXVI. Transfiguração
Capítulo XXVII. Terapia Ectoplásmica
1. Psicocirurgia
2. Cirurgia Espiritual Direta
3. Passe
4. Fluidificação de Água e de Objetos
5. Auxílio Vibratório em Grupo
Capítulo XXVIII. Materialização
Capítulo XXIX. Moldagens
Capítulo XXX. Deformação de objetos
Capítulo XXXI. Desmaterialização – Rematerialização
Capítulo XXXII. Transporte
Capítulo XXXIII. Endoporte – Exoporte
Capítulo XXXIV. Levitação
Capítulo XXXV. Deslocamento de móveis e outros objetos
Capítulo XXXVI. Efeitos luminosos
Capítulo XXXVII. Efeitos odorantes
Capítulo XXXVIII. Efeitos sonoros
Capítulo XXXIX. Efeitos magnéticos
Capítulo XL. Fenômenos térmicos
Capítulo XLI. Efeitos químicos
Capítulo XLII. Efeitos fitológicos
Capítulo XLIII. Incombustibilidade
Capítulo XLIV. Pirogenia
Capítulo XLV. Fenômenos eletroeletrônicos
Capítulo XLVI. Efeitos atmosféricos
Capítulo XLVII. Eventos aleatórios
Capítulo XLVIII. Radiestesia
Capítulo XLIX. Poltergeist
Segunda Parte
Capítulo I. Desenvolvimento Mediúnico
Sistemas de desenvolvimento
Capítulo II. No Serviço Mediúnico
Os grupos mediúnicos
O dirigente
O dialogador
O médium
Os assistentes
Os auxiliares passistas
Modalidades de atendimento
Reuniões de desobsessão
Eclosões mediúnicas precoces
Mediunidade e gestação
A administração de passes
1. Preparação
2.Momento inicial
3.Modo de operação
4.Deveres e cuidados
Capítulo III. Ocorrências Negativas
Técnicas de obsessão
Influenciação telepática
Soldadura perispirítica
Infecção fluídica
Manipulações ectoplásmicas
Provocação de reflexos anímicos
Provocação de efeitos sensitivos particulares
Tipos de obsessão
Obsessão ordinária
Considerações Finais
Obras Citadas

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Public Service Ethics: Individual and Institutional - download pdf or read online

By James S. Bowman,Jonathan P. West

ISBN-10: 1452274134

ISBN-13: 9781452274133

Ethics—in all its exemplary and arduous forms—matters. It bargains with the main gripping query in public existence: “What is the ideal factor to do?” In Public carrier Ethics: person and Institutional Responsibilities, James Bowman and Jonathan West research individual-centered and organization-focused ethics, using rules and beliefs from either to modern dilemmas.  The authors tackle arguable issues—from whistle blowing incidents to corruption exposés—to clarify how they come up and recommend what may be performed approximately them. they begin with the conceptual instruments scholars have to assessment a moral hassle, then research person selection making thoughts, and move directly to verify institutional ethics courses. The emphasis is not just at the “how to,” but additionally at the “why.” the final word objective is to strengthen scholars’ self assurance and get ready them for the moral difficulties they'll face sooner or later, by means of equipping them with the conceptual frameworks and context to technique thorny questions and behave ethically.

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Download PDF by Patricia Gosling,Lambertus D. Noordam: Mastering Your PhD: Survival and Success in the Doctoral

By Patricia Gosling,Lambertus D. Noordam

ISBN-10: 3642158463

ISBN-13: 9783642158469

This booklet is helping advisor PhD scholars via their graduate pupil days. jam-packed with functional recommendation on getting begun, speaking along with your manager, staying the direction, and making plans for the longer term, this publication is a convenient advisor for graduate scholars who desire that additional little bit of aid getting began and making it via. It concentrates on serious abilities and strategies which are neglected through many different how-to guides.

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Download PDF by Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer,Thomas Wizany: Alles, was Sie über gutes Benehmen wissen müssen (German

By Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer,Thomas Wizany

ISBN-10: 371100010X

ISBN-13: 9783711000101

Der Handkuss – eine gefährliche Drohung? Wohin mit dem Kirschkern bei Tisch? Darf guy Spagetti schneiden? Erziehen Eltern, die Wert auf gutes Benehmen legen, ihr style zum geschmähten Außenseiter? Oder: Ist es okay, eine Beziehung in line with SMS zu beenden? Diese und andere drängende Fragen beantwortet Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer ebenso gekonnt wie charmant. Für den anerkannten Stil-Experten markiert die Rückkehr der Anstandsrituale nicht das Ende der „Spaßgesellschaft". Er sieht darin vielmehr ein bereicherndes Gesellschaftsspiel. Ein gewandtes und schönes Spiel. Nur: guy muss eben die Regeln beherrschen. Auch wenn das umfassende Repertoire von Stil und Etikette nicht immer und überall zum Einsatz kommt, so doch immer öfter. Und zu wissen, wie es geht, schafft Selbstbewusstsein. Gerade die junge iteration setzt heute wieder vermehrt auf Eleganz und gepflegte Umgangsformen. Junge Menschen orientieren sich an Manieren-Fibeln und besuchen Etikette-Kurse, um richtiges Benehmen in allen Lebenslagen zu erlernen. Gute Manieren werden nicht länger als reaktionär geschmäht, sondern als wichtiger Teil der Allgemeinbildung verstanden. Als Kommunikationshilfen, die sich – gekonnt eingesetzt – als wesentliche Erfolgsfaktoren erweisen können. Im Berufsleben ebenso wie im Freundeskreis. Und es kann gar nicht früh genug mit dem Üben begonnen werden.

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Get Political Theory: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary and PDF

By Scott John Hammond

ISBN-10: 0313339201

ISBN-13: 9780313339202

Liberty. Justice. Nature. legislation. First formulated millennia in the past by way of the founding philosophers of the Western culture, those simple ideas of human suggestion stay important to our belief of ourselves, our position on the earth, and our relations with others-that is, our politics. Readers encountering such large political options, their useful expressions in political activities and platforms of presidency, the tips of influential old and glossy political thinkers―or easily commonplace or unexpected catchphrases for which they want a succinct but informative explanation―will welcome this available encyclopedic guide.

The significant political suggestions, topics, matters, routine, teams, and faculties that experience built through the years and formed our smooth global seem the following in all their range, besides biographical entries and articles at the important works of political theorists from Plato to John Rawls. extra, critical scholars and browsers alike will enjoy the various entries on ordinary quotations and political catchphrases, from the banality of evil and large Brother to the struggle of all opposed to all.

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Download PDF by Earl L. Wiener,Barbara G. Kanki,Robert L. Helmreich: Crew Resource Management

By Earl L. Wiener,Barbara G. Kanki,Robert L. Helmreich

ISBN-10: 0123749468

ISBN-13: 9780123749468

The re-creation of Crew source Management maintains to target CRM within the cockpit, but additionally emphasizes that the ideas and coaching functions supply accepted advice and classes discovered for a large choice of "crews" within the aviation procedure in addition to within the complicated and high-risk operations of many non-aviation settings.

Long thought of the "bible" during this box, a lot of the fundamental type and constitution of the former version of staff Resource Management is retained within the new version. Textbooks are frequently seriously supplemented with or changed solely via direction packs in complicated classes within the aviation box, because it is key to supply scholars with leading edge info from educational researchers, govt businesses (FAA), pilot institutions, and know-how (Boeing, ALION). This edited textbook deals perfect assurance with first-hand info from each one of those views. Case examples, that are quite vital given the hazards inherent in genuine international aviation eventualities, are liberally provided. a picture assortment and try out financial institution make this the one textual content out there with ancillary support.

New fabric contains: overseas and cultural points of CRM; layout and implementation of Line-Oriented Flight education (LOFT); airline functions past the cockpit; spaceflight source administration; non-aviation purposes; AQP; LOSA; and precise concerns relating reasonably cheap airline carriers.

The moment variation editors supply crucial breath of expertise in aviation human components from a number of views (academia, executive, and personal firm) and the members have all been selected as specialists of their fields who symbolize the variety of the learn of actions and organisational event of CRM.

  • The in simple terms CRM textual content out there supplying an up to date synthesis of fundamental resource material
  • New variation completely up to date and revised to incorporate significant new findings, entire with dialogue of the foreign and cultural features of CRM, the layout and implementation of LOFT
  • Instructor site with testbank and photograph collection
  • Liberal use of case examples

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Get Trivia Nights For Dummies PDF

By Alan Lovett

ISBN-10: 0731405943

ISBN-13: 9780731405947

Created in particular for the Australian customer!

Hold a minutiae evening to elevate cash or simply for fun

Trivia grasp Alan Lovett leads you thru the making plans and coaching required to make sure your trivialities occasion runs easily and nice time is loved by way of all members. Trivia Nights For Dummiesincludes checklists, insider advice and troubleshooting, in addition to pattern trivialities evening scripts for hosts and pattern minutiae questions for fundraising or basically social minutiae events.

Discover how to:

  • Use trivialities to fund a superb cause
  • Stage a minutiae evening for paintings or a personal celebration
  • Put jointly trivialities questions that work
  • Hunt out the simplest prizes in your event
  • Engage your viewers with enjoyable games

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The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 11: - download pdf or read online

By Melissa Walker,James C. Cobb

ISBN-10: 0807832405

ISBN-13: 9780807832400

ISBN-10: 0807859095

ISBN-13: 9780807859094

quantity eleven of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture examines the commercial tradition of the South through pairing different types that account for the methods many southerners have made their dwelling. within the antebellum interval, the wealth of southern whites got here principally from agriculture that depended on the compelled exertions of enslaved blacks. After Reconstruction, the South turned appealing to new industries lured by way of the region's ongoing dedication to low-wage hard work and management-friendly financial regulations. through the quantity, articles replicate the breadth and diversity of southern lifestyles, paying specific consciousness to the region's profound fiscal transformation in contemporary many years.

The agricultural part comprises 25 thematic entries that discover matters akin to local American agricultural practices, plantations, and sustainable agriculture. Thirty-eight shorter items disguise key plants of the region--from tobacco to Christmas trees--as good as problems with historical and rising interest--from bugs and pesticides to migrant hard work. The part on and trade comprises thirteen thematic entries during which members handle issues reminiscent of the commercial effect of army bases, resistance to industrialization, and black enterprise. Thirty-six topical entries discover specific industries, akin to textiles, trees, vehicles, and banking, in addition to individuals--including Henry W. Grady and Sam M. Walton--whose rules and firms have assisted in shaping the fashionable South.

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