Download e-book for kindle: Familia Romana (Lingua Latina) by Hans H. Ørberg

By Hans H. Ørberg

ISBN-10: 1585104205

ISBN-13: 9781585104208

ISBN-10: 158510423X

ISBN-13: 9781585104239

Hans Oerberg’s Lingua Latina in line with se Illustrata is the world’s superior sequence for studying Latin through the traditional strategy. scholars first study grammar and vocabulary intuitively via prolonged contextual interpreting and an cutting edge method of marginal notes. it's the in simple terms textbook at the moment to be had that provides scholars the chance to profit Latin with no resorting to translation, yet permits them to imagine within the language. it's also the preferred textual content for lecturers, at either the secondary and collegiate degrees, who desire to include conversational abilities into their school room practice.

Familia Romana (Pars I of the Lingua Latina sequence) comprises thirty-five chapters and describes the lifetime of a Roman relations within the second century A.D., and culminate in readings from classical poets and Donatus’s Ars Grammatica, the traditional Latin tuition textual content for a millennium. every one bankruptcy is split into or 3 lectiones (lessons) of a pair pages each one through a grammar part, Grammatica Latina, and 3 routines or Pensa. Hans Oerberg’s impeccable Latinity, funny tales, and the Peer Lauritzen illustrations make this paintings a vintage. The e-book contains a desk of inflections, a Roman calendar, and a note index, index vocabulorum.

The Lingua Latina sequence contains the next features:

  • The so much entire therapy of Latin grammar to be had in an undemanding textbook.
  • A vocabulary of just about 1,800 phrases, strengthened by means of consistent and creatively phrased repetition, tremendously expands the possibility of later sight reading.
  • A entire line of ancillary volumes, routines, and readers either in print and online.

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Familia Romana (Lingua Latina) by Hans H. Ørberg

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