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By Robertson Ritchie

ISBN-10: 1909662542

ISBN-13: 9781909662544

within the mid-1880s, the Realist writer and Anglophile Theodor Fontane saw: ?nowhere is quite a bit translation performed as in Germany.? Characterizing Germany as a unique locus of literary translation and reception, Fontane contests a prejudice which has for the reason that develop into an important challenge for nineteenth-century German reviews, particularly the widespread evaluate of the epoch as narrowly nationwide. the current choice of essays by way of 13 eminent literary students and historians is meant to right this prejudice: it demonstrates that literary existence and construction within the 19th century have been ruled by means of advanced networks of intercultural trade, effect and translation, and it does justice to this complexity via its diversity of complementary serious ways, focussing on Fontane, Anglo-German relatives, translation, and eu reception. In so doing, this e-book not just deals a nuanced appreciation of literary construction and reception within the 19th century, but additionally demonstrates the continuing relevance of that interval for Germanists today.

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Fontaine and Cultural Mediation: Translation and Reception in Nineteenth-Century German Literature (Germanic Literatures) by Robertson Ritchie

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