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By Felicitas Titus,Susan Naquin

ISBN-10: 0804841853

ISBN-13: 9780804841856

This number of chinese language images comprises over 350 classic postcards from pre-communist China in addition to large historic heritage and commentary.

Camel trains arriving at a urban gate; the designated structure of the Forbidden urban, its pagodas, imperial structures and temples; Manchu model, the Empress Dowager and the kid emperor Puyi; road performers and international tourists—all come to lifestyles back during this amazing choice of infrequent and classic chinese language postcards.

Old Beijing: Postcards from the Imperial City bargains a distinct examine a vanished China and its storied capital as soon as often called Peking. Containing specific black-and-white and hand-tinted playing cards that span chinese language background from the final years of Imperial China to the japanese invasion of 1937, it's a treasure trove for historians, creditors, Sinophiles and a person excited about chinese language tradition and folks from occasions past.

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Old Beijing: Postcards from the Imperial City by Felicitas Titus,Susan Naquin

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