Anastasia Wolter's The didactical applicability of "The Simpsons" at school in PDF

By Anastasia Wolter

ISBN-10: 3656871957

ISBN-13: 9783656871958

Seminar paper from the yr 2011 within the topic English - Pedagogy, Didactics, Literature reviews, grade: 2,3, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Anglistik), path: educating English as a overseas Language, language: English, summary: With the Simpsons' episode "Mypods and Broomsticks" you can actually convey the scholars how humans, together with themselves, are inspired by way of media and what they see on tv and the way the episodes of The Simpsons include genuine political or cultural subject matters. except that media performs such an incredible position in class simply because scholars must be taught how you can paintings with media and know-how (containing tv and serials).
First of all of the paintings will speak about the significance of lively motion pictures and serials and the way media is influencing the notion of the area. due to this and its increasing quarter of impact at the teenagers, it is very important give some thought to media at school and to paintings with it, in order that the scholars are conversant in media.
The episode “Mypods and Boomsticks” could be analyzed and its value for the notion of the american citizens and their lifestyle should be proven. It comprises many intertextual tricks and stereotypes and is an effective instance of ways the american citizens see themselves and their tradition and examine it to cultures from humans of a international country.

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The didactical applicability of "The Simpsons" at school in the context of the episode "Mypods and Broomsticks" by Anastasia Wolter

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